Be Proactive with Infrared Scanning
Infrared (IR) scanning is a safe non-evasive proactive method of detecting potential failures in your missions critical infrastructure prior to them actually causing an outage.
IR scanning can be used to identify any number of possible electrical problems. Remember, early detection allows REX to take corrective action before a component fails, minimizing damage and reducing repair cost. Infrared scanning of electrical components and systems should be part of any preventative maintenance program and performed on a routine basis.
Our thermographers inspect your equipment under normal loads and operating conditions, so you don’t have to disrupt your service and production schedules. In addition, REX has thermographers who are certified electricians. They are able to remove the electrical panel covers, scan and reinstall the covers to make minor fixes while on site. Instead of having two companies perform those tasks at separate times, which can add additional cost to the project. By performing an infrared scan of your electrical system in “real time” our inspections can help you understand the practical impacts of emerging component problems.
Conditions Detectable by Infrared Inspection:
- Loose/deteriorated connections
- Overloads
- Open cirucits
- Unbalanced loads
- Inductive heating
- Harmonics
- Defective equipment
Infrared electrical inspections find hot spots caused by defects in connections and components. Infrared thermography is used to find areas of excess heat (caused by increased resistance) so that problems can be corrected before a component fails, causing damage to the component, creating safety hazards and productivity loss. Because increased heating is a sign of failure, infrared is the best diagnostic tool available for finding these hot connections in the early stages of degeneration. This is why infrared inspection, to find and prevent problems before they cause damage to you personnel, equipment, and facility.
Benefits of Infrared Inspection
- Reduce unscheduled down time
- Increase equipment life
- No service interruption during inspection
- Lower risks
- Lower repair costs
- Increase profits
- Prevent catastrophic failures
- Lower insurance premiums due to reduced losses
An effective preventive maintenance program saves money and boosts profits by scheduling repairs before expensive emergencies arise. Infrared inspections can help you differentiate the relatively few real problems in a system from thousands of potential problem areas. Our testing reports establish the urgency of needed repairs with a 4-step system of priorities, based on the nature of the equipment and its temperature increase over ambient conditions. Our clients have significantly improved their maintenance productivity by using our reports to improve the targeting and scheduling of their repairs.
Four Step Preventative Maintenance Program:
- Completion of a building electrical survey and inspection of existing equipment. Including: power distribution system, buss ducts, disconnect switches, transformers, fire pumps/controllers, motor control centers, generator/ ATS switches, and all power distribution.
- Infrared scans of the power distribution throughout the building, complete with a detailed report.
- Clean, torque, and test power to manufacturers’ specifications.
- Documentation of maintenance performed provided to building owners or building management companies. Maintenance labels installed on all maintained equipment.